The scientist's monograph was published in Germany - PHOTO

VİEWS: 1609 Özəl SOCIETY reports that This monograph deals with the problem of the right to associate in the context of civil society. The problem of the legal state acting as the main guarantor of the civil society is discussed in the first place. It is emphasized that, according to the most basic approach, the legal state is built upon a society where natural rights are freelyenjoyed. Natural rights include freedoms of faith and movement, right to own property, equality for all, guarantee against arbitrariness, etc. Civil society building in the Republic of Azerbaijan is defined as the main line of democratic development. Civil society is seen as a key sign of the legal state and all necessary conditions for its development are being fulfilled. In this respect, expansion and improvement of the legal framework for the right to associate are in focus. The problem of securing the right to associate in the context of civil society building in the Republic of Azerbaijan is analyzed in the monograph.