Azerbaijan's Defense Ministry appealed to citizens

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In order to speed up the implementation of the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 1, 2020 "On the dismissal of a group of military personnel from military service for mobilization", the Ministry of Defense recommends that citizens carry out the appropriate collection of documents in the following order, the Ministry of Defense told APA.

Documents (notarized copies) related to demobilization, confirming that servicemen belong to the following categories, are requested to be submitted not to the corresponding military units of the Azerbaijan Army, but to local administrations, departments and divisions of the State Service for Mobilization and Conscription:

- having three or more children;

- having a dependent person who is disabled of the 1st group;

- having dependent minor brothers and sisters;

- who are the only son in the family;

- whose fathers or brothers were killed or died in the course of military operations, as well as in the performance of military duties;

- those who were wounded during military operations, as well as those recognized by military medical commissions as unfit for military service in peacetime and limitedly fit in wartime;

- whose close relatives died as a result of military provocations of the Republic of Armenia and its shelling of the territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

- those who receive education in the form of full-time studies in bachelor's, master's, doctoral (postgraduate) studies, basic (basic higher) medical education and residency in educational institutions that have passed accreditation and state registration, have received a special permit (license) to carry out activities, regardless of the form property and organizational and legal form, as well as in their branches, the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan and other scientific organizations provided for in the "List of higher educational institutions and scientific institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in which doctoral studies have been established", approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 14 2010 number 235.