Number of Azerbaijan population announced


The population of Azerbaijan increased by 88,104 people (0.9 percent), amounting to 9,898,085 million people as of January 1, 2018, Azerbaijani State Statistics Committee told  Icmal.Az.


During this period the share of urban population was 52.9 percent, rural population – 47.1 percent. Besides, 49.9% of population are men and 50.1% are women, said the State Statistics Committee. The density of population in Azerbaijan amounted to 114 people per square kilometer during the reporting period. Nearly 1,004 women accounted for every 1,000 men in the country.


About 144,041 children were born in Azerbaijan in 2017, including 53.2 percent – boys, 46.8 percent – girls. Of the newborns, 2,586 are twins and 57 triplets, according to the State Statistics Committee.


Around 57,109 deaths were registered in 2017. The mortality rate per 1,000 people accounted for 5.9.

