NGO chairman appealed to international organizations: "Why are you silent for the political prisoner who died in the Armenian prison?"


Armenia's deputy chairman, political prisoner Mher Yeghisaryan dies in prison on January 26, after a 52-day hunger strike in Armenia. None of the international organizations involved in the incident reacted to this terrible event. Sabuhi Abbasov, Internet-media expert, chairman of the Azerbaijan-Slavic Youth Association Public Union, addressed a statement to the international organizations.


The statement runs: "It is known that the leader of the party in Armenia, Mger Yeqazaryan, died in prison after a 52-day hunger strike. However, neither the PACE, the European Parliament, nor the OSCE, the US Senate, nor any other international organization have ever reacted to his death as a result of his hunger strike. Even this is not the case with the world's popular media. The fact is that M.Yegiazaryan's arrest was purely political, and he died as a political prisoner in hunger strike.


This is one of the indications that political landscape in Armenia is in chaos. International organizations are ignoring it. Why the Council of Europe, the US Senate, and other organizations, who make the arrests of Mehman Huseynov arrested for non-political reasons, or rather the issue of domestic affairs, declare him a "political prisoner", and why they are silent for the political prisoner who died in Armenia? In general, international organizations are silent instead of adopting a relevant resolution condemning this terrible event in Armenia.


Family members of the party leader who died in prison have repeatedly appealed to international organizations and held a press conference on this issue. Nevertheless, there was no reaction to the incident. It was also confirmed that M.Yegiazaryan was not a criminal and was arrested for political reasons. They repeatedly asked Pashinian to intervene in this criminal case, but did not intervene in any form. All these processes have proven how politically motivated the case is, and if so, the silence of international organizations is simply a pity.


As a member of a civil society, we feel regrettable that a reputable organization such as yours is dual standard, as long as it is not late, we demand a legal and political assessment of the event for justice. Fairness is the fundamental principle of Civil Society.



Sabuhi Abbasov

Chairman of Azerbaijan-Slavic Youth Association,

internet media expert