Macron notes importance of talks with Russia on Syria


French President Emmanuel Macron has stated the importance of negotiations with Russia on the settlement in Syria, as well as creating a bridge between the Geneva and Astana processes, he said in his speech at a news conference at George Washington University.

He spoke about the so-called small initiative group that had been created in France earlier to settle the situation in Syria. "Our willingness with this new small group is to create a bridge between the Geneva process and the Astana process to have a discussion encompassing all the allies of the region and to open line with Russia and Turkey. That’s the unique way to fix on the long run the situation of Syria," he noted.

The French president said that the specified group was established several weeks ago. It includes the US, France, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, which are working very closely. According to Macron, the group is coordinating with Turkey and Germany and intends to hold negotiations "with some permanent member of the Security Council of the United Nations and some of our allies in the region."

 "This new initiative is a very important complement to the two existing initiatives [the Astana and the Geneva process - TASS] we have to take into consideration," Macron explained.

