Changeable cloudy weather to prevail in Baku


Changeable cloudy weather will prevail in Baku and Absheron peninsula on November 19.


Foggy weather will be observed at night and in morning. Mild south wind will blow, the Ecology and Natural Resources Ministry told APA


The temperature will be 10…13˚C at night, 14…17˚C in daytime in Absheron peninsula, 11…13˚C at night, 15…17˚C in the afternoon in Baku.


Atmospheric pressure will drop to 765 mm Hg from 761 below normal. Relative humidity will be 70-80%.


Rainless weather is forecast in Azerbaijan’s districts on November 19. Foggy weather will be observed at night and in morning. East wind will blow.


The temperature will be 6…11˚C at night, 15…19˚C in daytime, 0…4˚C in mountains at night, 6…11˚C in daytime. 

