ATTENTION: The extreme hit of this summer has intensely affected the quantity of blood donors. As you may know, the patients with genetic blood disease need a constant blood transfusion, otherwise, they may face a fatal risk. For this reason, for the sake


As you may know, the patients with genetic blood disease need a constant blood transfusion, otherwise, they may face a fatal risk. For this reason, for the sake of painless life of our children and temporary blood shortage elimination, the Central Blood Bank and Azerbaijan Thalassaemia Federation is going to hold voluntary and gratuitous blood delivery action in Park Boulevard trade centre, 1st floor, from 14.00 pm till 19.00 pm on July 15th. Today we face with a great shortage of donor blood, and to meet the need of over 1,500 patients in donor blood we ask You to help us to involve more people to this action by sharing this information with your friends. We kindly ask You to make this noble step and join this action to save life of our children by donating Your blood. Blood donation is real charity. To give blood seems so little for those who can share it, and such vital necessity for those who need it!