Weather forecast for tomorrow


Occasional rain is expected in Baku and Absheron peninsula on December 3.


According to the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, intensive rain is expected in some places of the peninsula. Mild south-east wind will blow. The temperature will be 4…7˚C at night, 9…12˚C in daytime, in Baku 5…7˚C at night, 9…11˚C in the daytime.


Air pressure will be 775 mm Hg. Relative humidity will be 80-90%.


The weather will be mainly rainless in the western districts of Azerbaijan. Occasional rain is expected in some eastern districts. It will be foggy in some places and east wind will blow. The temperature will be 2…7˚C at night, 9…13˚C in daytime, in mountains 0…-5˚C at night, 3…8˚C in the daytime.

