The biggest problem of Ukraine is corruption – Poroshenko

The main problem of Ukraine always was and still is corruption. This was stated by President Petro Poroshenko in an interview with the Austrian publication Profil.

 According to Poroshenko, that is why he calls for the creation in 2018 of an independent anti-corruption court.

 The President also noted that Ukraine is planning to work with Western intelligence agencies for the return of funds illegally exported by former officials.

22 December 2017, Poroshenko has submitted to Parliament a draft law No. 7440 "On Higher anti-corruption court.”

 January 11, the head of the IMF mission in Ukraine, Ron van Roden sent a letter to the presidential Administration, which criticized the bill Poroshenko.

 The world Bank also expressed dissatisfaction with the document, saying it does not meet the requirements of the world Bank to give Ukraine $800 million to support key reforms.

 The AP objected that they consider the bill with the relevant recommendations of the Venice Commission. The document is considered in the profile Committee of Parliament.

 In the present case, investigated by the National anti-corruption Bureau, examines the Solomensky district court, because in this area there is office. Director of the NABU Artem Sytnik noted that the courts often delay business Bureau.