Samad Seyidov: Attention to Eastern Partnership program reduces Zoom


"Some problems and crisis-oriented trends are observed within European structures. The attention to the Eastern Partnership Program is reducing,” said chairman of the parliamentary Committee on international and interparliamentary relations, Samad SeyidovAPA’s Georgian bureau reports.


"Various initiatives are put forward to increase this attention. There are different ideas, around which different views have been exchanged. From this point of view, the position chosen by Azerbaijan is the most correct. Its position is that it is necessary to defend the already adopted provisions in Europe and in the world within the framework of international law. The most important among them is the recognition of territorial integrity and self-determination of states, and special work in this direction,” he noted.


According to Seyidov, the final declaration adopted at the Eastern Partnership summit showed that Azerbaijan’s position is the most correct and powerful.


"If all international laws and principles are observed, instead of adhering to any artificial approaches, then all Europe and the Eastern Partnership countries will be able to better understand problems and future of each other,” he added.


Samad Seyidov is attending the international parliamentary conference "EU and Partners – Embracing Diversity for Stronger Unity” held in Tbilisi. 

