Isa Gambar in stable condition, cardiologist says


Isa Gambar’s treatment is continuing, and he is in a stable condition, Firdovsi Ibrahimov, a cardiologist of the Central Clinic Hospital.


He said that Gambar feels himself well, noting that he in cardio reanimation at the moment but they are planning to place him in a ward.


Ibrahimov emphasized that Gambar is likely to be discharged from hospital soon and there is no need to send him for treatment abroad.  


"The work done by us, results that we have achieved are much better than foreign medical institutions could do,” the cardiologist said.


Isa Gambar’s wife, candidate of historical sciences Aida Gambar told APA that her husband’s treatment is satisfactory.


"I’ve talked with his doctor. Everything is right. I don’t think there will be a need to send him for treatment abroad. Local doctors look after him with care. I thank them,” she noted.  


The former chairman of Musavat party, Isa Gambar, who was hospitalized late last week due to heart problems, had several stents inserted in his coronary arteries.

