Clandestine Isis unit training Britons to launch attacks on UK


A secretive Isis unit that trained the perpetrators of the Paris and Brussels terrorist attacks has been teaching British fighters to attack targets in the UK, according to a fighter captured by Kurdish forces in Syria.


The Isis fighter described how European would-be suicide bombers were inducted into a group, which he said was known as the al-Kharsa brigade, on arrival in Isis’s "caliphate”.


They were subjected to a gruelling training programme at a secret camp in Syria before being sent home to carry out attacks. He said the programme was still under way in February this year.


"Training in the Al-Khars brigade lasts seven months, which is very difficult: every European who crosses the border of Syria is invited to join in. If 20 people start training, only five finish them, then they go back to Europe and commit terrorist attacks" , - quotes the publication of the statement of the captured militant, made during interrogation by the Kurdish militia.


In addition to this program, the cell also has a dedicated center for working with potential terrorists in Europe itself. "Sometimes foreigners come to Syria and train for special missions, then they themselves carry out terrorist attacks, others are sleeping cells in Europe who want to join the IG here but can not ... They stay in their countries and contact ... and when they are ready, Then organize explosions, "- said the prisoner.


According to the captured militant, despite the large losses of IG in Syria, the secret cell continues its work. It was she who trained the terrorists for the attacks in Paris and Brussels, and is currently planning new terrorist attacks. "The terrorist attacks that took place in Paris and Brussels were carried out by terrorists who were trained by them and then left Syria for Europe ... They will carry out new attacks of suicide bombers in Europe, because the coalition strikes at them a lot, they also want to implement Acts of terrorism in Lebanon, "the prisoner concluded.
According to the newspaper, for two and a half years in the ranks of the IG, the militant counted about 50 immigrants from Germany, France, Belgium and Britain, who successfully completed training in a secret unit.