Family friend: Lotfi Zadeh’s body will be brought to Azerbaijan in 7-10 days


The body of Lotfi Zadeh will be brought to Baku in 7-10 days, the deceased’s family friend.


The arrival of Lotfi Zadeh’s body in Baku is expected on September 16-17. "World-renowned Azerbaijani scientists, founder of the theory of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic, Professor of California University Lotfi Zadeh died at the age of 97 at about 7:30 California time on September 6. I have cared for him within the last two months.   He felt good until September 5, and even gave me advice on our joint project. However, he didn’t talk and died painlessly on September 5. Lotfi Zadeh asked me to be buried according to the Islamic law following a funeral prayer.


Shahbazova said that she had Lotfi Zadeh’s testimony on his burial and she has already contacted the Azerbaijani government in this regard. 


