Top official: Great opportunity to open new page in Azerbaijan-US ties

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There is a great opportunity to open a new page in the Azerbaijan-US relations, Assistant to the President for Foreign Policy Issues, Department Head Novruz Mammadov said June 5.

He made the remarks in Baku at the international conference titled "Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey trilateral relations: A look into the future.”

According to Mammadov, one of the most important evidence of such opportunity can be the two letters from US president Donald Trump to the Azerbaijani president in the last two weeks.

"From these letters it is clear how many opportunities there are to open a new page in the relations,” he said.

Mammadov further touched upon the speech of Donald Trump at the recent Arab-Islamic-American Summit in Riyadh.

"In his speech, Donald Trump presented the principles of further cooperation of the US with the world countries. We welcome these principles. We have been stating for many years that these principles should be taken as a basis in relations,” he noted.

"If these principles were complied with, there would be no tension today, and the relationships of friendship, cooperation and partnership between countries would successfully continue. I believe that there is such a perspective and we take the necessary steps in connection with these perspectives.”