Azerbaijani president: Journalists are my assistants

VİEWS: 906 index-manşet ANALYSIS

Journalists contribute to the development of Azerbaijan with their activities, Azerbaijani PresidentIlham Aliyev said at the ceremony of presenting apartments to journalistsin a newly built building in Baku on the occasion of the National Press Day.


"They [journalists] shed light on problems that concern society, and I can tell you that in some cases I get information from the press about some unpleasant incidents. Every day I receive various pieces of information from different sources. Of course, issues of both foreign and domestic policy, as well as security issues, are reported to me. I hear of problems that concern people from the press, and I react immediately,” the president said.


He noted that civil servants or other persons who are committing offences know that freedom of speech and the press in Azerbaijan will not allow them to make any mistakes in their job.


"Therefore, journalists are actually my assistants—maybe unknowingly. So I'm grateful to you all. You will continue to write about issues that are of concern to the whole society, giving a prompt reaction whenever there is injustice or disobedience to the law and draw the attention of society and the state agencies to these issues,” President Aliyev added.